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[fr*ab*bish] - fish from the Pisces, rabbit from Chinese astrology smashed together...ME (sort of)


The Cool Suit Guy

This is my awesome husband Nate. He is known as the "Cool Suit Guy" in church. He gets his suits from a contact his dad has with a tailor in Las Vegas. His dad is very strategic in his business deals and seeks out small businesses that are willing to trade services. His dad does their taxes in exchange for deals on goods or services he's interested in. The tailor shop is this little place stuck between an adult store and a tattoo parlor. From the outside, you'd never know it was as cool as it is, but they do great work. Nate kinda looks like an old school gangster when he's all dressed up in his double breasted suit. I think he looks great.

1 comment:

Leuhoo said...

Ooooh! Those are some cool looking suits! Mel you page is so fabulous! I love it!