Welcome to The Frabbish Chronicles

[fr*ab*bish] - fish from the Pisces, rabbit from Chinese astrology smashed together...ME (sort of)


Wow, I actually started a blog..

OK, so Jillyn kinda pushed me over the edge on this whole blog thing. I've been thinking about it since I've been reading what Jill and Sarah write. I love the hilarious stuff they write about their kids. So those two are super duper digital scrapbook geniuses and their blogs are super cute so I was a bit intimidated, but I decided - with a little push from Jill - to go for it. The hardest part about starting this thing was coming up with a name. I got to the spot you select one and totally froze up. I considered Melissa's Mayhem, but did you know if you look up mayhem in the dictionary it has all kinds of violent connotations, not what I'm going for. So then there was the Cox's Conundrums, yeah right, say that one five times fast. I thought of Melissa's Menagerie because it does feel like a bit of a zoo around my house at times, alas the name was taken. So I decided on The Frabbish Chronicles. It kind of had a ring to it. If you are wondering about a frabbish, well that's me...sort of. See you get the fish from the Pisces side and the rabbit from the Chinese astrology side, shove 'em together and you get frabbish. Not that I subscribe to the whole astrology thing, it's just fun to say frabbish. Go on......try it out....you know you wanna.....F*R*A*B*B*I*S*H. Fun huh? Yeah, well give it a bit, it might grow on you.


Jillo said...

Hooray!!!! I am so excited and I think your name is great! Now we can see all you do and chat via blog. I am proud of you!

Sarah E said...

I'm excited too. Your name is hilarious and I love your explanation of how you came up with it. I'll be looking for all of your future posts.

Melissa said...

I tend to write funny things when I'm at the edge of tired and exhausted. I'm glad you like my first ever blog. I need to beautify it when I get a few moments to play around with it.

Melissa said...

hehe not funny mom thats hilareous now delete it NOW! And i change my mind about the whole my video on your blog