Welcome to The Frabbish Chronicles

[fr*ab*bish] - fish from the Pisces, rabbit from Chinese astrology smashed together...ME (sort of)


The Bestest Dog Ever

This is my dog, Annie. She is the best dog ever -my kids and the neighbor kids all agree. She is the epitome of unconditional love and loyalty. Going for car rides, going on walks, chasing the laser, treats, naps under my bed, playing ball, playing keep-away, licking all those she loves are her ideas for the perfect puppy life. We sometimes call her bounce, because she can jump pretty high. She will listen to whatever you have to say and sometimes she'll even cock her head to the side as if she's trying to understand you. She knows how to sit, stay, lay down, rollover and shake - with both paws. Nate even taught her how to drool for her treats (the joy of Pavlov). She hates her front paws touched, when you are mad at her and baths. One of our favorite games we play is the "mine" game. We take one of her toys and put it between our feet and say Mine and she barks. It's quite an amusing game. When she gets her toy back she'll do a few "victory laps" and play her version of keep away. I've never considered myself a dog person, but there's something about the unquestioning love, loyalty, acceptance and devotion that just make it impossible to not love this dog.


Glenna Roundy said...

Hey I thought you were a dog person. Maybe you are just an animal person. How does the psyco cat get along with annie?

Melissa said...

I think I am an animal person. Psycho cat and Annie are pretty good friends actually. Annie will wait for Danger Kitty to go outside before she does and they play and wrestle together. All in all, the number of animals in my house out number the people - but that's counting the fish.

Sarah E said...

Cute new blog layout. Lookin' good. It probably helps when you are a computer programmer and can speak the fancy computer language. My knowledge of HTML is limited to figuring out background papers and column width. :) I didn't know you were into digital scrapbooking. Next year you'll have to come to the retreat with us!

Melissa said...

My knowledge of digital scrapbooking is like your knowledge of html. I'm just starting, but it's quite addicting - as is blogging.