Welcome to The Frabbish Chronicles

[fr*ab*bish] - fish from the Pisces, rabbit from Chinese astrology smashed together...ME (sort of)


Big Day

Yesterday, May 21st was my dad's 82nd birthday, my sister-in-law Becky's (Nate's sister - who funny enough is also married to a John) birthday, my other sister-in-law Jeanette's and her husband Paul's wedding anniversary and the day my brother-in-law Todd and his wife Victoria took off for vacation in Paris. It was also the finale of a little show I like to watch on T.V. called American Idol. So.....happy birthday, happy birtday, congratulations, bon voyage and way to go Dave Cook!


Glenna Roundy said...

Glad to see the David Cook thing! I stopped in to see Dad. He was having a great day. Mom made strawberry shortcake. They are looking forward to your visit. That always cheers dad up.

Sarah E said...
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Sarah E said...

Melissa? Where have you gone? The girls and I were talking and we're all missing your witty posts! Have you left us forever?

Jillo said...

HELLO????? Where did you go???? Come back to us. We miss your blogging fun.