Welcome to The Frabbish Chronicles

[fr*ab*bish] - fish from the Pisces, rabbit from Chinese astrology smashed together...ME (sort of)


Allergic to....People!?

There's this guy I work with who's got a miniature doxen. His wife and him treat this dog like their own child - in fact for a while before they decided to have their daughter, their dog was going to be their only "child" (I can identify with the love a pet can engender as I too refer to my cat and dog as my furry children). From very early on in their experience with this puppy, they've had terrible luck. It honestly seems like they got the "lemon" puppy. First she had parvo, which is a pretty serious virus that affects mostly puppies. She got treated for and seemed to recover from that and then a few months later she had to be xrayed for some gastrointestinal issues (caused by their 2 year old daughter feeding the dog Q-tips). Their latest issue with this animal is something I've never considered. Apparently their dog is allergic to people. It's quite common in the reverse, but for a dog to be allergic to people? Crazy. I thought my kids were expensive, but add up the cost of this animal and it's maintenance and sheesh! I'm glad I have a loveable and completely healthy mutt, Annie!


Jillo said...

I have never heard of anything being allergic to people. That is a rotten way to be if you are a dog. Who else is going to feed you? My darling furry baby is allergic to corn. That is enough for us to make life interesting. (go look at any dog food and see what the number one ingrediant is, then you will know what I am talking about. Only the $$$$ ones have no corn.) Poor little doggy, hopefully the will invent some Zyrtec for dogs pretty soon.

Glenna Roundy said...

I am loving the new look. Since I am without html talent I really adimire this!
As for the dog, Robert would say-one more reason not to have one!